Friday, May 6, 2011

Surgery Post V: 2 Months Later

I am one-third of the way done healing, apparently. According to my surgeon, it takes 6 months for my little titanium friend to fully incorporate into my bone. And then it might take a little more time for my foot to really feel like MY foot, and be used to walking on it and the like. But I'm healing up according to schedule, which is a nice thing. I am no longer using a cast or a boot or even crutches; I'm in my regular shoe with an ankle brace for stability. I can shower (as opposed to bathe), and I can even walk a little barefoot from the bathroom to the bedroom. It is all very exciting.

A couple weeks after my surgery, a friend of mine asked me if I was happy that I had done it. At that time, my foot was in a cast, and I really had no idea. Since I'm still not totally healed, I still can't say for sure, but I thought I would jot down some things I've noticed.

  • I have an arch. For those of you who have regular arches, try to imagine for a minute that if your feet are on the floor, you can't stick a finger under your foot at all. This is how both of my feet were (and one still is). But now I can! I also got to see before and after x-rays, and it's amazing how...normal! my foot looks now!
  • My knee goes over my toes! This is the biggest reason that I never would have been a successful ballerina (and yes, I was classically trained...until I was 13 or 14, anyway). I just never was able to put my knees over my toes, and it turns out it's because of my feet. I notice that when I walk, I no longer throw my foot out...if anything, I'm slightly pigeon-toeing because I'm used to trying to compensate. It's very weird, and very cool.
  • Speaking of, I've completely forgotten how to walk. I'm working on it, and it's getting more natural.
  • Weirdly enough, the most painful part of walking right now is directly under my pinky toe. Maybe that bone just never had pressure on it?
  • My ankle is still enormous. 
  • If I didn't have the bone in a cup in my zucchini planter, I would think they maybe forgot to take it out. There is still a bump where they took it out. I don't know if it's just that everybody has a little bump there (I really don't know) and maybe they didn't remove as much as I had assumed they would, or maybe it's just still really swollen. 
  • The skin on my fourth toe, and also the skin on the inside of my lower calf, is totally numb. Apparently this is completely normal.
  • The scars on my foot are pretty thin, but the one on my calf is pretty ugly. Turns out Mederma is $20 a little tube, but while I am not terribly vain, I really want this scar to be a little less...noticeable.
  • I already mentioned the crazy amount of gross extra skin that came when I was in a cast for 6 weeks. What I didn't mention was the hair. I have always had, as I'm sure a lot of people have, very fine, very light hair between my ankle and big toe on the top of my foot. For whatever reason, my body decided that since I was in a cast and my skin was swelling (or something), that super light, super fine hair turned coarse and DARK. I have a cavewoman foot. I don't totally know what to do about it. I'm hoping it will just kind of go away after some time, or at least not grow back after awhile if I shave it off.

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