Friday, April 30, 2010

Fings I like Friday

  • My neighbors: As I was going to the bus stop the other day, my neighbors from down the street were out walking (the husband and the two kids). Brian (as it turns out his name was) started talking to me and asking me what I did, and if we knew the guy who lived in the house before us. Esther, the older girl (who's 3 or 4, max), gave me a pinecone. She's super cute. Well apparently, she kept asking her folks if Katie was going to come over for dinner...and so Brian and Hanna (the mom) and I'm assuming the kids stopped by our house before I got home from work to see if Tjett and I wanted to come over! They left their number and I called them later that night, and they seemed so excited! We're going over there for dinner tonight. I can't wait. I love meeting new people, especially new NICE (like super genuinely NICE) people!!
  • Reaching running goals: Yesterday I finished the 'One Hour Runner' program. I ran 5 miles. My knee hurts a little today, and so does the side of one ankle...but otherwise I'm fine. The run itself wasn't the greatest...I got a stitch in my side after the first 3 miles that didn't really want to go away...but the sense of accomplishment is HUGE. New goals? Tomorrow is the Illinois Marathon in good 'ole Chambana, and I am running the 5k. My goal for that is beat 36 minutes, my previous time. Otherwise I've set up an 8-week program for myself to go from running 3 days a week, 10-11 miles (total during the week) to running 5 days a week, and 19 miles. (Why 19? If I ever feel like training for a half or even a *gasp* full marathon, training programs on Interwebs recommend being able to run that much for a month or so before starting.) Not entirely sure what I'll do afterward...I don't have enough time to train for the Mahomet Half marathon that's at the end of August, so who knows. I'll take suggestions.
  • Cuddling with Tia: Tia is NOT a cuddly dog. She would rather play or eat things. However, occasionally she will sit next to me and let me cuddle and pet her. For a little while. I could cuddle her all day long, so these little times that she lets me are just priceless. 
So I guess that about does it for my first 'Blog Every Day in April.' Suffice it to say, I did not. But I blogged more than I ever have before, and I imagine I will be keeping this up, more or less. Every few days about whatever catches my attention. It may turn into a 'guess what the dog did' blog, and I'll try to keep it from being a 'work sucks' blog. And so for fun, because I'm bad at ending things, I give you:

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