Friday, April 23, 2010

Things That Didn't Piss Me Off This Week

It's kind of like 'Things I Love Thursday,' except that it's no longer Thursday and I've been neglecting my blog since my Dubuque adventure. Also, there is something about seeing amazing people over the weekend that makes the next week simultaneously better and worse...better because of the residual mood, but worse because you're back to the old grind. Friends weren't real life, work and school are. And it's just depressing. And so, things that didn't make me more grumpy this week:

  • My grey jacket: It's kind of military-esque inspired, I think. I got it at H&M 5 years ago. I had rather forgotten how much I liked it; I was actually thinking of getting rid of it when I wore it out of necessity and thought, oh yeah, this is pretty cool...
  • Seth Aaron winning Project Runway: He's pretty much been my favorite designer since Day 1 of this season. I would wear a lot of his clothes. And he's probably the first straight man to win this show...
  • Getting my ORP back with a 'Pass with minor revisions': It blows that I have to make revisions (and that I only have until Wednesday to do so) but it could have been a lot worse. I will have to do a fair amount of research to address a couple of the revisions, but I don't have to totally re-do it. So I'm happy(ish).
  • There's a guy who supposedly wants to hire me: I met him at my last conference. He didn't actually say that he wanted to hire me, but my boss said that he did. But I did talk to him, and he was pretty cool and I wouldn't mind working for him. He popped in the other day. Dana said, "He keeps wanting to know when you'll be done." I said, "Oh, no time soon...unless you want to let me go sooner!" And then Dana said, "Well...I wouldn't want to let a fine wine go before it's properly aged." And then he keeps talking, about how grad students reach a certain point where they get a ton of work done, and you don't want to let them go before then. And then he said, "I don't want the next business you're with to want to spit instead of swigging." TO WHICH THIS GUY (not me!!) told him, "Yeah, you should have stopped with the 'fine wine' part..." How awesome. And now he knows what I go through. Maybe if anything I'll get a pity hire.
  • Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: I'm only gotten through a couple of chapters...but I love it.

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