Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Movie Quiz!

After reading Kyle's blog post, and failing miserably, I have decided to come up with my own 'guess that movie!' quotation game. Now let's see if I can think of 10 lines...

1) (and this is an easy one) "This....Is...SPARTAAAAAAA!!!!!"
2) "Well Sinead O'Rebellion, shock me shock me shock me with that deviant behavior!"
3) "I'd give her a 'hah!' and a "hai-yah!' and a 'woooo-ah!' and then I'd kick 'er, sir."
4) "Harold! That was your last date!"
5) "It'th a lady!"
6) "Well....not ONLY sheep."
7) "You come back from Elton's and you're gayer than a maypole!"
8) "People should not fear their government; a government should fear its people."
9) "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"
10) "I promise you, I will never die."

Ok. Tjett got all but the one he hasn't seen in ten years. Can you do better?

1 comment:

  1. I got six for sure. There's three I'm unsure of, but I think I got them. And there's one that I don't have a clue about.

    Good quiz. Just goes to show that it all depends on the person. Different quotes resonate with people. I have a friend who will quote something then say, "What's that from?" I of course have no idea. He'll tell me the movie, and it will be one I'm very familiar with. He just quotes the most random things is all. Certain things are funny to him but no one else.
