Monday, April 12, 2010

Gonna end up a big ol' pile of them Bones

This is what I should have written about on Sunday, but didn't.

I only really follow, and am emotionally invested in, three shows. Count 'em, three. I watch other shows, but I honestly don't care what happens with them at all. My shows are Chuck, Project Runway, and Bones. And really, Project Runway is only on there because I get angry when the wrong people are sent home or get to stay on...and I love Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn. Can't help it.

I will talk about Chuck another time, I promise. But after this week's Bones, I feel the need to say something about it.

The 100th Episode of Bones sucked. It ruined the show, plain and simple. I know there are a lot of people who loved it but were mad that Bones and Booth didn't get together...but I just hated the whole concept. I want them to start fighting crime again. This whole season, really, has been less science and less crime-solving and more character driven. I am all for character-driven shows. I really am. But it has gotten a bit ridiculous. Occasionally, there is need to push the crime in the background to develop the characters, but the entire season has been this way.

I am so tired of the 'will they, won't they' thing. Especially since they didn't. Because now, we're going to have to deal with Booth getting a girlfriend, Brennan getting jealous, the awkwardness of them working together, and then eventually Booth and new gf will break up and then Booth and Brennan will get together. Boring boring boring.

What they should have done is simply not brought it up at all. They should have kept fighting crime, and the supporting cast should have more romance. Angela and Hodgens, Cam and somebody...or whatever happened to Cam's kid? And for that matter, whatever happened to Brennan wanting to have Booth's baby? That's the plot they should have run with. And then the kid could have brought them together and stuff. But what I really wish had happened is that the only time they ever get together was in the weird coma dream, not have him whining about how he's in love with her for an entire season, but keep having the looks and the little 'oh they're so in love they just don't know it' thing going on until the very last episode ever, where they DO get together and it's beautiful and happy and the show's over.

You know that they will get together eventually. They have to. But doing it now, and having it drawn out like this, feels like a death sentence for the show.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I wasn't really happy with it either. I like the character driven stuff, as long as they still deal with the case. I feel like after this whole season of will they won't they, I just wanted an actual resolution. :(
