Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A History of Hairstyles

The hair of my more-or-less adult life has generally consisted of short periods of good hair with long periods of awkward in-between or need-a-haircut hair.

High school: Long hair. Loved it. But it had lots of split ends, and not a lot of shape. Mostly because I think I had had two trims since 8th grade. I also used to dye streaks of it purple or pink. I was really cool. I'm the one second from the right...with the long hair.


College: Right before college, I got my hair cut off and donated to Locks of Love. The haircut was free, and I forgot to tip the girl. But the haircut really wasn't that good. I unfortunately don't have a picture of that one. Actually, up until my senior year of college I had a bunch of weird, kinda-short, pretty awful haircuts. Then I got a super-cute, super-short pixie cut. I loved this hair. I figured it was fairly obvious from the context which one I am in this picture, but in case it isn't, I'm the one with the short hair. And that's white. 


Grad School: As much as I loved my super-short hair, there were some problems with it. First of all, it's pretty high-maintenance in terms of how often it needed cutting. And then along those lines, the cuts I had gotten in town...weren't very good. And I discovered that whenever I visited my mother, she would have the same hair...either just cut, or grown-out a little. Every time. It was uncanny. And frankly, I look a lot like my mom anyway, and having the exact same hair was just a little too much. So I had, what, 2? 3? years of uncomfortably awkward hair while I was trying to grow it back out. It is longish again, and dark reddish brown. I've been getting my hair 'did' by a student at the beauty school in town. Honestly, I've had better haircuts...but I've had much worse that I've paid much more for. I pay $12 for haircuts now. $22 for color. I love it. Here is my hair, a little shorter than it is now, and the cut's a little different, but it's the same general idea. 


But for real, I'd love to have dreadlocks for awhile, then shave my head, and I'm kind of sad I didn't in college. Because I really can't right now...


  1. Awww. I didn't know you'd grown your hair out. In my mind, you will probably forever have that adorable short pixie-ish cut from senior year.

  2. Yeah, I miss it. And wouldn't you know it, my mom's starting to grow hers out, too...
