Saturday, April 9, 2011

Blog Sometimes In April

Yeah...I've missed a few days. In my defense, I was very very very busy getting ready for my talk at my alma mater, Cornell College. Which I gave yesterday.

I'm not totally sure what to blog about. I don't have enough pictures for a photo essay (though I suppose I could post my entire talk and take out any text that is in there). I suppose that since I'm in Iowa, let's talk about that.

I love it here. I don't think I realized until this trip just how much I love Cornell...and how much I miss it. I had the fortune of talking to pretty much all of my favorite professors yesterday. Charley Liberko, my organic professor and all-around good man, was asking me about grad school. I don't remember exactly what I said, but he said, "well, you're smiling!" To which I replied, "that's because I'm here!" And then I just about started crying, because what I didn't say was, "Because I'm here...where I was successful, my professors were fabulous, I played lots of music with amazing people, I made some of the best friends I've ever had...and I've never felt more at home than I do when I'm here."

You know, I really hope that wherever Tjett and I end up settling will be 'home.' I really, really do. But in complete seriousness, I wish there was work for me here. If there was, I'm pretty, I'm totally sure...we would move back here in a heartbeat.


In awesome news, Tjett and I suggested that we have another pan reunion. Dr. Hearne, who is the band/orchestra/pans director and one of the reasons I love this place so much, was super excited and it very seriously considering having a 15-year Pandemonium anniversary at homecoming in '12. I'm a little worried that I will have just started a job somewhere and not be able to go...but I can't wait. We were invited to play with them tonight, but they do have a full band and it would be weird. But we got to mess around after the kids' rehearsal this afternoon, so I'm very happy :)

Also I got to see Becky and Sarah, and later on I'm hoping I'll get to see some other kids :)

1 comment:

  1. I was struck how at home I felt there too. I've been back before, but this time it really hit me over the head that Mount Vernon would always be home, not matter how far I stray from it.
